My dad made this for us a few years ago for the first time and I fell in love with it. The simplicity appeals to the lazy fat guy in me and the gravy sauce appeals to the very fat guy in me.
Anyone who thinks this humble meal is not good enough: just give it a French name. I came up with Poulet au Sauce du Champignon. Tell 'em you saw Jacques Pepin make it. Hehe. But hide the Campbell's can.
chicken thighs (doesn't matter if its bone in or out, whatever's cheap)
1 can of Golden Mushroom soup
2/3 can of milk
parmesan cheese
garlic powder
This is the shiet.
Whisk milk and golden mushroom soup together. Add s+p.
Season chicken thighs with s+p, oregano, garlic powder and parmesan cheese. Preheat oven to 350°.
Pour on the gravy and bake for 35-45 min.
Voila! Poulet au Sauce du Champignon. No one has to know our dirty little secret.
Gallinaceus cum codimento fungorum aureorum. Latin for Chicken with Sauce of Golden Mushrooms