Friday, August 24, 2012

Arugula Salad with Scallops

Like I said earlier, scallops for dinner and I just LOVE Costco because you can buy a big a$$ bag of frozen scallops that last for a little while in the freezer. Anyway, just emptying out the fridge... :)

chopped bell pepper
cherry tomatoes
sliced onion
scallops sliced in half lengthwise
hazelnuts (optional)

Put butter in a sauce pan on low and slowly brown it. Add hazelnuts, if you want, and keep warm

S+P on those beautiful, sliced scallops

Veggies in a mixing bowl, add lemon and s+p

Sear scallops, 1 minute per side. Take a little of that browned butter for the searing

Mix salad in the bowl with brown butter (and hazelnuts), put on a pretty plate and add scallops. I have about a million cherry tomatoes here because I bought some **delicious** ones from Whole Foods and I want to go buy more this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Looks good, although with my budget, I may have to replace the scallops with fish sticks, arugula with iceberg lettuce, and hazelnuts with peanuts. Or maybe I'll replace the scallops with fish sticks, the arugula with macaroni and cheese, and the hazelnuts with beer.
