Bulgogi Marinade:
1/2 C soy sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
chopped and cored Asian pear
2-3 slices of ginger
4-5 cloves of garlic
1/4 of an onion
shot of Vodka
orange or lime soda (seriously)
beef (rib-eye slices or the whole steak works too)
Egg Pizza
3 eggs
sliced onions
1 tsp oyster sauce
(I put a drop of sesame oil in this today because it makes it Korean-y)
Slice some onions. Then whisk together the eggs, oyster sauce, s+p, (sesame oil, if used).
Heat a pan with a little oil and pour in eggs, add sliced onions so that they cook into the eggs.
I'm a kitchen P.I.M.P. because I flipped this sucker to cook the top a little and didn't screw it all up.
See? Cut into slices and it's pizza-like. Eat with rice. We do this a lot when we eat Korean or Viet at home.
this is gochujang (fermented, spicy paste)
This is classic kimchi. I don't make this at home because I don't eat it enough to warrant making a ton of it at once. You can buy it and it stays good in the fridge for a LONG time. This is goooooooood for kimchi fried rice. Another post for another day.
Lettuce. Notice the lines throughout the rib of the leaf that go across? I do that so that I can wrap my food more easily.
This is what you do: rice, egg, meat, kimchi, gochujang on lettuce. Wrap and eat.
I'll have to keep this recipe from Sarah. She has mentioned a desire to find a Korean market out here, and I really really don't want to eat anything Korean. If she brings kimchee home, I'm going to kick her out. PS: I'm reading your blog instead of doing my homework.